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Singapore ranked World's 'Most Powerful' passport 2017.

Singapore became worlds most powerful passport 2017, with the visa-free score of 159.

According to the 'Global Passport Power Rank 2017' by global financial advisory firm Arton Capital, Singapore has the world's "most powerful" passport, according to a global ranking topped for the first time by an Asian country. Germany is ranked second, followed by Sweden and South Korea in third place.

Paraguay removed visa requirements for Singaporeans because of Singapore's passport to the top of Passport Index' most powerful ranking with a visa-free score of 159.

Well, what effects passport ranking??passport ranking depends on several conditions like poverty, socialism, size, neighboring countries, international stature, etc.
There are many other conditions which matter a lot for ranking of passport.

Visa score will really matter to get the visa, The top-ranked visa-free score means you can get into that number of countries without a visa or by getting visa after arrival.

Previously top 10 powerful passports in the world were mostly European, with Germany being In the lead from past two years. But in 2017, the number 1 position was Singapore, which improved.

"For the first time ever an Asian country has the most powerful passport in the world. It is a testament to Singapore's inclusive diplomatic relations and effective foreign policy," said Philippe May, managing director of Arton Capital's Singapore office.

At last place on the list is Afghanistan, ranked 94 with a score of 22, followed by Pakistan and Iraq at 93 with a score of 26, Syria at 92, having a score of 29 and Somalia at 91 with a score 34.

"Visa-free global mobility has become an important factor in today's world," said founder and president of Arton Capital Armand Arton at the recently held Global Citizen Forum in Montenegro.
"More and more people every year invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in a second passport to offer better opportunity and security for their families," Mr. Arton added.

The US passport has fallen maybe due to President Donald Trump restrictions on visa & passport. Most recently Turkey and the Central African Republic rejected their visa-free status to US passport holders, the statement said.

For seeing your countries passport rank click here.

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