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Bill Gates hacked the software to be only boy to sit with girls in the school

We all have a thought to attract opposite gender or to impress them, mainly male one. Well, if you are a teenager with a pro in hacking then we will definitely make use of it, Right! Same thing happened with world’s richest man Bill Gates but in a different way,

Talking about Bill Gate’s teenage, Microsoft co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen are schoolmates in Lakeside School, a private school in Seattle. Although Allen was two years older than Gates in school, they became friends over a common love of computers. One of the things they used to do was to hack into computers.

They even came up with a scheme to hack computers to help Gates meet girls: they enrolled him in classes where he was the only boy. He confessed in an interview with BBC.
He even told that he was just below average guy speaking with girls, so Paul Allen helped him in getting into the class where Gates can have a company with girls in the class. Unfortunately, that trick didn't really help them.

As Paul Allen was the 2 years senior to Gates he left the school after completion of the scheduled subject in computers. “I was the one who benefited by being able to have the nice girls at least sit near me. It wasn't that I could talk to them or anything - but they were there. I think I was particularly inept at talking to girls or thinking, 'OK - do you ask them out, do you not?' When I went off to Harvard I was a little bit more sociable. But I was below average on talking to girls. "

Such incidents will be a memorable one in the life, this will definitely make us laugh when we are sharing this with others.

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