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Recently many popular brand phones like Samsung, Xiaomi and Apples were facing an issue like burning of phone or blasting, a similar thing happens with Jio today.
 We know that Jio has started distributing its cheapest 4 G mobiles phones for just  ₹ 1500($23.07) with terms & conditions, this phone seems to get its reputation down due to these incidents.

Today in Kashmir Jio has Burt completely when it was in charge, phone back has got completely melt, however, they didn't rival the person to whom this issue has happened, but the company says that all the Jio phones will definitely go through the quality test before coming to the market. company says, the incident is a case of "intentional sabotage" and there seems to be nothing wrong with the unit itself. 

But the Jio retailer says that battery is still working, if the battery is the fault it would have blasted, this may be due to the charger output or someone is doing like this to ruin the company name. The report also adds that the incident could be a deliberate attempt.
A spokesperson from Reliance Retail told I a statement that "Jio Phones are designed and manufactured with global standards, and each phone goes through stringent quality control process. The said incident has been reported to us. Our initial investigation suggests that this is a case of intentional sabotage. The damage to the device seems to have been intentionally caused. The incident, as well as its timing, has been designed by vested interests to malign the brand. We will take appropriate action based on further investigations."

This is not the first time a Reliance Jio phone has faced such an issue. Late last year, Jio's Lyf phone and Water 1 phone were found in flames. most companies are trying hard to increase the standby times of their devices which can lead to such fatal incidents. On the user's end, many phone owners fail to charge their devices using the authentic chargers.

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