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Interesting facts on apple company

1. The very first Apple logo featured Sir Isaac Newton sitting under a tree, with an apple about to hit his head.

2. Apple is so successful company, it has twice the amount of U.S treasury.

3. Apple was the first company to make the digital color camera.

4. Apple originally has three co-founders Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Wayne, Wayne left the company just 12 days after it was founded, and sold his 10 percent share for just $800 plus an additional payout of $1,500. The most crushing part is that his share would now be worth more than $60 billion.

5. The very first Apple computer would have been more expensive than the MacBook Air or even a 17-inch MacBook Pro today. Apple's first computer, the Apple 1, was actually a "do-it-yourself" kit that required people to build their own case. It retailed for an extremely devilish $666.66.

6. The "i" in 1998's "iMac" is for "Internet." since it originally took only two steps to connect to the web, in case you were wondering. But Apple has also said it stands for "individuality" and "innovation." The naming scheme would stick around through the iPhone and iPad.

7. To raise capital for their new company, Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagen van and Steve Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard scientific calculator for $500.

8. iTunes, Apple’s online music, video, and app store, generated sales of $4 billion in 2010. That’s over $1 billion more than one of the world’s largest music companies, Warner Music Group.

9. The most expensive Apple store is on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and is estimated to have cost $10 million to build. It is also said to be one of the most photographed retail landmarks in the world.

10. After Steve Jobs was ousted from Apple in 1985, Apple Computers struggled to survive falling market shares and inefficient leadership. In fact, Apple was named the worst run company of 1996 by investment giant CalPERS (California Public Employees’ Retirement System).

11. First graphical image ever displayed on a Mac prototype was a picture of Scrooge McDuck playing the fiddle while sitting on some money bags.

12. In December 1982, Apple became the first personal computer company to reach $1 billion in annual sales. To celebrate, it threw a Billion Dollar Party for employees.

13. There were 250 million iPods, 43 million iPhones, and 32 million iPod touches (a.k.a. iTouches) sold as of March 22, 2010.In 2010, Apple annual sales were $65.23 billion.

14. If Apple were a country, it would rank as the world’s 68th biggest country.

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